With That Moon Language
Hafiz, Moon Jennie Smith-Pariola Hafiz, Moon Jennie Smith-Pariola

With That Moon Language

As I walked out into our backyard one evening a couple of weeks ago to lock up the chickens for the night, I was greeted by an enormous full moon. It felt like a gift of grace—not only because of its breathtaking beauty but also because it reminded me of this poem by the 14th century poet Hafiz.

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Kindess Jennie Smith-Pariola Kindess Jennie Smith-Pariola


I recently had a horrendous travel day. I’d been down south visiting family and was set to fly back to Illinois early on Saturday afternoon. On the morning of my departure, I received a text from the airline saying my flight would be delayed a couple of hours. “No problem!” I said to myself. “I can roll with this.”

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Travel, Summer Jennie Smith-Pariola Travel, Summer Jennie Smith-Pariola


Have you had the opportunity to travel lately? Or have you—like so many of us—had to cancel excursion after much anticipated excursion during the ebbs and flows of COVID-19?

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The Summer Day
Mary Oliver, Summer Jennie Smith-Pariola Mary Oliver, Summer Jennie Smith-Pariola

The Summer Day

Summer is a perfect time to pause and take a moment to look, smell, feel and listen to the world around us—a perfect time to marvel at its beauty and wonder about its origins.

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From Blossoms
Li-Young Lee, Summer Jennie Smith-Pariola Li-Young Lee, Summer Jennie Smith-Pariola

From Blossoms

Every summer during my childhood, my parents would load all of us kids into our wood-paneled Ford station wagon and head out the East Tennessee mountains for a long drive to the coast.

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We Alone
Wealth, Alice Walker Jennie Smith-Pariola Wealth, Alice Walker Jennie Smith-Pariola

We Alone

Spending the July 4th holiday weekend with extended family in Tennessee and North Carolina reminded once again not to take for granted even the simplest, most common gifts

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