With That Moon Language
As I walked out into our backyard one evening a couple of weeks ago to lock up the chickens for the night, I was greeted by an enormous full moon. It felt like a gift of grace—not only because of its breathtaking beauty but also because it reminded me of this poem by the 14th century poet Hafiz.

Old Friends
Is there any sound more comforting at the end of a long, hard day than the voice of an old friend? Any balm more curative than the companionship of someone who’ll listen without judgment to even the worst of your missteps?

Neighbors in October
Isn’t October wonderful? It brings us crisp-cool mornings and warm afternoon breezes, fields full of bright orange pumpkins and bushel baskets brimming with ruby red apples. It brings us the first whiffs of woodsmoke and offers us a last chance to run barefoot through the grass. . . .

All I Know of Heaven
It’s cross country season. Students at middle schools, high schools, and colleges all around the country are lacing up their sneakers and quietly running past the roaring crowds in football stadiums to hit the trails that crisscross their campuses and towns.

Keeping Quiet
Last week was an especially busy and stressful one for me. I was hurried, scattered, and anxious—a real “hot mess,” as my big sis, Lee Ann, would say. During such times, I’m prone to be hard on myself and others—especially the folks I love most.

September Midnight
Yellow leaves were falling on the grass in our backyard as I walked out to the chicken coop this morning. I greeted them with a sigh. Though it’s blazing hot in Illinois today, during the past week we’ve felt the first few whispers of fall . . .

Woman Work
As we celebrate Labor Day with picnics, festivals, and feasts, I can’t help thinking of the millions of people in world for whom this day is simply another round of exhaustingly repetitive, strenuous work—work from which there is never a real holiday.

The Journey
I am starting out on a new journey today—a journey toward a whole new career. I’m equal parts excited and scared out of my wits.

I recently had a horrendous travel day. I’d been down south visiting family and was set to fly back to Illinois early on Saturday afternoon. On the morning of my departure, I received a text from the airline saying my flight would be delayed a couple of hours. “No problem!” I said to myself. “I can roll with this.”

In Mrs Tilscher’s Class
It’s that time again! Children and parents all over the country are stuffing pencils and notebooks into new backpacks, checking schedules, and resetting their alarms for the first day of school.

The Summer Day
Summer is a perfect time to pause and take a moment to look, smell, feel and listen to the world around us—a perfect time to marvel at its beauty and wonder about its origins.

Problems with Hurricanes
The erratic weather we've been having this summer across the country-and around the globe-is nothing short of alarming.

From Blossoms
Every summer during my childhood, my parents would load all of us kids into our wood-paneled Ford station wagon and head out the East Tennessee mountains for a long drive to the coast.

The Arrow and the Song
Between 2010 and 2020, our family moved seven times across three states. In the process, I fell out of touch with a lot of old friends.