In the Company of Women
I’ve been having a bit of a rough summer so far and seem to be moving through the challenges I’m facing in a nearly constant state of overwhelm. . . .

Morning Athletes
Each day I rise at the buzz of my alarm, groggy from not enough sleep, and stumble into the closet to put on walking clothes—shorts and tanks in the summer and layers upon layers in the winter. By the time I’ve tied my sneakers, I’m awake and ready to go. The next hour or so will be all mine.

Old Friends
Is there any sound more comforting at the end of a long, hard day than the voice of an old friend? Any balm more curative than the companionship of someone who’ll listen without judgment to even the worst of your missteps?

The Arrow and the Song
Between 2010 and 2020, our family moved seven times across three states. In the process, I fell out of touch with a lot of old friends.