Nothing Gold Can Stay
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said something to the effect that “change is the only constant in life.” And isn’t it so?

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
It’s been a chilly, dreary spring so far in central Illinois: lots and lots and LOTS of rain. Bone-cold, blowing, hit-you-from-the-side-rain. But this morning, as I strolled along the river at the center of our town, I spotted a clump of brave little daffodils pushing up their delicate heads to brighten the world around them.

Instructions on Not Giving Up
The long awaited day has arrived! Winter is finally over. The crocuses are popping their tiny heads out of the still-thawing ground. The sun is lingering longer in the sky. The birds are venturing from their nests to sing in celebration. Warmth and color are returning to our cold, grey world. . . .