
A creeping, slithering, sinister movement is afoot in our neighborhood. Seemingly overnight, the yards all around us are being transformed from lovely green lawns and beatific flowerbeds into graveyards and witch havens. It’s Halloween season! Time to scare children and startle adults. Time to wander the streets knocking on the doors of strangers. Time for telling ghost stories and eating sackfuls of candy. Time for fun!

Have a great Halloween season everyone.


by Harry Behn

Tonight is the night
When colorful leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky,
When elf and sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen.

Tonight is the night
When leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground,
When spooks and trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy and green.

Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through sheaves and leaves
When ghoul and ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their queen.
It’s Halloween.

Jennie Smith-Pariola

I’m an anthropologist, a college instructor, a microfarmer, and a nursing student. I'm also the creator of the Online Poetry Box website and blog.


Dawn Revisited


As Imperceptibly as Grief